Exhibiting progress: Save a new date

I had arranged for a show of Kathy’s artwork in September to be the Wilbraham Library, several months ago. I had decided to hold the reception in the middle of the month. With the Labor Day weekend, people would have family and vacation conflicts. And September 16 would have been her 69th birthday. So, I reserved the room for a Sunday but didn’t really publicize it until yesterday’s blog post.

Yesterday I told you to save the date. Today I’m asking you to save a different date. A few hours after I published my memo-to-self of blog topics, I noticed an email from a “Mary” with the truncated subject line: “A Follow-up on your….”  I figured it was another promise of wealth from a Nigerian prince who can’t spell, but is related to my unknown Libyan ancestors. I get those daily. It was actually from the Wilbraham Library:Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 11.57.55 AM So, I rescheduled it. Not that many people read the blog so it was just as easy to pick a different date and not worry about it anymore.

The new date is Saturday, September 17th, 2016
from noon to 2:30pm (or so) in the Brooks Room of the Wilbraham Library in Wilbraham MA.

Mary explained that although the library actually closes/locks at 2pm on Saturday, events often go longer. Patrons that are already inside can let themselves out. So we don’t have to stay locked up in the library until Monday. I figured Saturday is as good a day as any. I’m a natural worrier. I actually started to worry about conflicts with Patriots and Red Sox games. The Sox play the Yankees that afternoon. But those games can last forever. People can come early while I’m setting up. Or watch it on their phones. Kathy would understand.

The Brooks Room where Kathy's art will be exhibited.
The Brooks Room where Kathy’s art will be exhibited. The photo shows the room when it wasn’t being used for an exhibit. That is actually pretty rare.

2016-02-06 13.08.46The room is a pretty nice space. The only down-side is that everything must be hung from the wall. They don’t allow sculptures because they need to use the room for many events involving kids and teens. At the reception, I will bring a few of the sculptural pieces just for that one day. The library uses an interesting aluminum hanging system that slides on a picture rail but can be adjusted up and down. To include as much of her art as possible, I adapted some of Kathy’s work to hang on these brackets. I am adding hanging wires and blocks of wood to reinforce things. Understandably they don’t want me to bang nails or use push pins to mount captions but they say I can use a product like poster-tack or easy tack to mount things.

The show will be up (minus any sculptures) from September 2 thru September 29. I still need to finish the catalog for the show. It will be a gift to those that donated over $100 for the fundraiser. Refreshments will be served. Hopefully, I and others will say a few words about Kathy. I haven’t decided about music because there isn’t a sound system. I could bring a little guitar amp but it’s not a huge room.

Kathy's art
The two suitcase pieces, for example, were never hung on the wall. But I took some creative license with her work.

In the meanwhile, I enjoy being surrounded by her art.
And bringing some of the pieces back to life.BR-right

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