Tag: Marty

Dodging a bullet

CAREGIVING: Sometimes it is hard to tell how things are going. I tend to write when things have levelled off rather than when there is a crisis. Things that would be a problem for someone else are things that I am used to in the ebb and flow of caregiving. The last few nights I was able to sleep in my bed… Read more →

Memorial Day

CAREGIVING:  I guess it is time to get back to writing something. I have to admit I just haven’t had the energy to do much of anything extra. So, I needed a little break. Memorial Day was a true holiday for us. One obvious reason is that Hampden’s one and only parade passes a few feet from our house. The town… Read more →

Marty gets Vetted-

LIFE: With all the talk in the news about vaccinations I decided Marty should get his shots. I mean he probably wouldn’t get measles, but he was overdue for all of them as well as some tests. In between some of the health scares with Kathy I managed to fit in a visit to the vet with Marty. A few… Read more →

Shopping without buying

LIFE: Last Monday, which is known as 50% Off Chocolate Rabbits Day, I decided to run to Rite Aid Pharmacy. I didn’t have any prescriptions to pick up. But, they had some laundry detergent on sale and I wanted to see if there were any other eye drops or an eyewash I could get for Kathy. She was also getting low… Read more →

What’s a little snow?

LIFE: We have had one snow storm after another this month. Between taking care of Kathy and moving snow, I haven’t had much time to blog. I need to have parking for the aides and nurses (even if I don’t go anywhere). I think we have had three storms this month. But, I’m not keeping track. I still haven’t cleaned my car off… Read more →