Tag: family


HOSPITAL / May 28th:  Wednesday and Thursday were whirlwind days at Baystate. Because it was cool out I brought Marty with me. I parked in garages both days so he was safe and I could go out and we would go for sniff and pee walks. Well I drank a coffee. Marty did his thing. I contacted our dog sitter Joanne and… Read more →


CAREGIVING:  I’m writing this from Kathy’s hospital room. On Tuesday we got up as usual and Kathy was coughing and couldn’t really eat or drink much of anything. I had figured out that I could get her to take her meds by breaking them up into small pieces and putting them in a little applesauce. Unfortunately the combination of insufficient fluids,… Read more →

Being your best advocate = squeaky wheel

CAREGIVING: I admit it. I appreciate all the kind comments about what I am doing and how I am doing. I’m grateful for all that support: from my family, Kathy’s family, my Facebook friends, my music friends and the different health aides and nurses the have walked through the door. I appreciate criticism too. Tuesday Kathy was visited by Susanne,… Read more →

Wednesday: The Cavalry Returns

CAREGIVING: Whattaday. Wednesday is usually the day that Hope comes in the morning and stays for over four hours. This gives her more time to give Kathy a shower and then gives me time to get away. I was hoping to go shopping at Aldi’s to stock up on stuff. Things got off to a rocky start. But they ended… Read more →

Five Wishes

CAREGIVING:  On Wednesday afternoon after the palliative care nurses left, I went over some more parts of Five Wishes, an advanced directive plan or living will. I’m sure there are a million living-will forms on-line but this is the one I found years ago. At the time that we started this, Kathy had not been diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease although I suspected she… Read more →

A few thoughts on Pete Seeger

MUSIC: Pete Seeger passed away last night. Fortunately he lived long enough to miss the Grammy’s. I hate to think of what they would have done as a tribute to him. A techno, hip-hop, country medley of Pete’s songs. Do we really need a rap version of Where have all the flowers gone? Well played, Pete. I’ve always been a… Read more →