Tag: family

November: To Colorado

I am now listing upcoming concerts on a separate page called Concerts.  Colorado On Halloween morning, I flew out to Denver, Colorado for the Huntington’s Study Group Conference in Denver. Kathy and I had lived in Boulder and Denver in the 80s before she became ill. Visiting Colorado was also an opportunity to spend some time with my brother John… Read more →

Some October music and a big storm

I am now listing upcoming concerts on a separate page called Concerts.  Things have moved along and I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. October Back on October 1st, I was part of the First Sunday at the Packing House in Willington Connecticut. It was their fall open house. Artists had their studios open. There was a poetry reading. I… Read more →

Good grief.

Caregiving. This is a non-music posting for a change. While my music, open mics, and my design work keep me going, I also try to go to my monthly caregiver support groups. There is a dementia group at my library and a Huntington’s group at UConn. My caregiving days are over, for now. But I like to think I can lend support.… Read more →


The time between Barbara’s passing and her celebration of life/memorial gave us enough time to plan something nice. But not the time to overthink it. When she was in hospice we were talking about a date in May. But by the time I returned to Hampden the new date was moved up a month to April 2nd. There were emails back and… Read more →

Getting back to life

I have put off writing about my sister, Barbara because it was hard to go through it again. She passed away on March 3. I found out about it from a text message when I woke up that morning. There was no point in going back to the hospital. Connie and her husband cleared her personal belongings and all the… Read more →

What kind of idiot travels to an open mic the night before Thanksgiving?

That would be me. I had the news on during the day: Trump this. Trump that. Thanksgiving. Airports. Highways. Shopping. More Trump. Terror threats. I had wrapped up a bunch of my design work for Butler Hospital. This coming week looked like it could be busy. I had my two pies finished for Thanksgiving. Chocolate pecan pie with Nutella with a melted… Read more →