LIFE: We all know how “stuff happens”; or “life happens” and of course shit does indeed happen – to all of us. “Luck Happens” My guess is that most of us have some periods of good luck. Those are followed by bad luck. And it keeps repeating like biorhythms. How we respond to them determines what could happen next. That is how we evolve as people.… Read more →
Category: Life
Meet the Beetles
LIFE: When you live in an old drafty house you never know who’s going to drop in for a visit. We have had visits by mice; and flying squirrels. If our walls were glass or clear plastic, it would look like a huge ant farm in the walls. Last week we had the annual October infestation of Asian lady beetles. When… Read more →
The Stairlift has left the building
CAREGIVING: This is a story about how you think you have a plan, but a much simpler one is “stairing” you in the face. I have been paranoid about the combination of caregiving and winter in this house. Now that Kathy is bed-bound with Huntington’s Disease, keeping her warm and safe is another thing to worry about. Just as a refresher, our house… Read more →
Project: Man-cave
LIFE: I have always joked about my working arrangements. I have posted on Facebook that “Due to the snow emergency, Lehndorff Design will be closing early.” As a self-employed graphic designer, my hours can be long but the commute is easy. With caregiving I need to keep even closer. It has been months since I used my “office” upstairs. My latest ongoing project: to… Read more →
Marty and Alfred
CAREGIVING: Monday morning when Kathy’s new aide, Betsey was here, I decided I needed to run down and make a bank deposit. I was transferring some money from my business account to my personal account at Monson Savings. I thought Marty might like to go for a walk so I brought him out the back door and we waddled down as far as… Read more →
Giving away memories
LIFE: Thursday I started going through some of Kathy’s clothes and things. I was trying to decide what to keep and what to give away. Taking care of someone with Huntington’s or any terminal disease is a long goodbye process. You need to give yourself time to breathe and time to grieve and I’d rather do it a little bit at a time. I… Read more →
Memorial Day Parade in Hampden
LIFE: There are very few advantages to having a house a foot and a half from Main Street. In fact, according to a recent survey we did, our porch is not even on our property. The porch does give us a reviewing stand for the Town of Hampden Memorial Day Parade — our big event. The parade always departs the Catholic church parking… Read more →