Author: Peter Lehndorff

April updates

 Website changes I have been busy with this and that. You may have noticed a different look to this website. I messed up the old website tinkering around with the code in WordPress. At the Luthier’s open mic, a great local photographer, Julian Parker-Burns shot me performing. That was a good excuse to change the look of it a little. I liked… Read more →

Barbara’s Celebration

A month has passed since the Celebration of Life for my sister Barbara King. Time moves on and as much as I may wish people would stop dying or moving or getting sick, it just means I have to make the most out of what is still there. The actual celebration was held at UNR (the University of Nevada, Reno) on… Read more →

March (what was left of it)

The rest of March was busy. In addition to getting ready for the memorial in Reno, the new refrigerator was coming, I had a fair amount of design work, yard work and decluttering work. And I was still had remnants of a cough I had in February. And I had more music stuff I wanted to go to if I could.… Read more →


The time between Barbara’s passing and her celebration of life/memorial gave us enough time to plan something nice. But not the time to overthink it. When she was in hospice we were talking about a date in May. But by the time I returned to Hampden the new date was moved up a month to April 2nd. There were emails back and… Read more →

Getting back to life

I have put off writing about my sister, Barbara because it was hard to go through it again. She passed away on March 3. I found out about it from a text message when I woke up that morning. There was no point in going back to the hospital. Connie and her husband cleared her personal belongings and all the… Read more →

Upcoming adventures

I am in the process of starting an actual email list for music (probably with Mail Chimp). Many folks are following this blog for other reasons: Huntington’s Disease, caregiving, aging etc. In a perfect world, I might have separate personal, music and graphics blogs. But, I can barely keep track of anything. I’ll let you know. And no, I won’t… Read more →