Tag: Mercy Hospice

Update on the Cheek

CAREGIVING:  I guess after Kathy’s most recent close call we all deserve an update. She is doing much, much better. The antibiotics did their job and her cheek went from grapefruit sized down to normal. Now we wait to see if the same infection comes back. I did learn a lot from the process. For one thing, just because you are… Read more →

H is for hospice (and hump day)

CAREGIVING: The roller-coaster of care-giving continues on its merry way. I put off posting because Kathy was going to start getting hospice services a week or two ago. At least I thought so. I want Kathy to be comfortable. Apparently, they need to have a prognosis of six months before you start hospice. My guess is that it has something to do with money: insurance or MediCare. If you… Read more →