LIFE: Last Monday, which is known as 50% Off Chocolate Rabbits Day, I decided to run to Rite Aid Pharmacy. I didn’t have any prescriptions to pick up. But, they had some laundry detergent on sale and I wanted to see if there were any other eye drops or an eyewash I could get for Kathy. She was also getting low on skin lotion. While Betsy was taking care of Kathy I went there found the stuff I wanted. Got up to the checkout and figured out I didn’t bring my wallet. Doh! That also meant I didn’t need to run to the vet’s office either.
The Vet. When Betsy was here in the afternoon I went down to the Hampden Veterinary Clinic to get some Heartgard for Marty. I try to give it to him early in the month, along with his flea and tick treatment. When I got home Marty got his medicine and of course, wanted more. They should really make a Heartgard snack. Those of you that have dogs probably have experienced the same thing. i asked the vet if they had a generic version (to save some money). They said they don’t carry it but, I could order it online. The vet would fax the prescription to them. I need to do some more research. He has been pretty healthy on the name brand stuff, even if it does cost a few dollars more a month. When I got home I looked at the receipt from Dr. Peck, his vet. I realized Marty was behind on his “scheduled maintenance.” They used to send postcards when he was supposed to come in. I guess they stopped doing that. One of his shots was due in 2013. I feel bad. It is going to be a big visit when we go in this coming week – Lyme test, heartworm, rabies– the works. I postponed his much-needed trip to the groomer because one of the shots he needs is for Kennel Cough. I hope I can persuade him to get into the car. He is out of practice and he can’t figure out how to get in and up on the seat. I need a basset hoyer lift to pick him up.
The Dump. Saturday and Tuesday are the only days the town transfer station (the dump) is open. We didn’t have any aides on Saturday so I went Tuesday. It was really cold and windy up there, but a guy and his daughter were flying a kite with his daughter. I used to love flying kites. When Kathy was doing her student teaching in Gainesville she did a whole session on kites.
I also went to a Big Lots store and got the laundry detergent that was denied me the day before. I also bought a new laundry basket. The old wicker one was steadily falling apart. I think we bought it at Pier One when we moved in together. Pieces of wood were breaking off and ending up in Kathy’s clothes. Once the handles broke off it was downhill from there. I’ll use it for something.