If it’s Tuesday…

CAREGIVING: That was the title of a movie about travelling. Schedules and routines can either be your friend or your enemy, I guess. My google calendar has a lot of repeat events on there. They are labeled in green for healthcare. It is the only way I can keep track of crap. Sometimes it isn’t so much that there is stuff going on but there isn’t enough time in between events to get anything done. The other part of the problem is living where we do: It takes a while to get to a bigger store from here. And back.

That was a long winded way to say Tueday was pretty routine. Melissa came at 8:45 and helped Kathy with her shower and get dressed. Kathy was doing pretty well balance wise so I did some client work. Then we had meds and breakfast. Kathy rested on the couch after breakfast and I kept working. Tuesday our nurse, Brooke, came to check on “Miss Kathy”, she calls her. I told her about Kathy coughing up blood on Saturday but it was all cleared up now. Usually Marty, our basset, is right next to her, checking her out. But he was asleep up in his ‘bedroom’. Probably because it was sloppy snow and rain out and he was hibernating. Finally he came down. Brooke said their rabbit had had a  litter of bunnies but most of them didn’t make it. Marty seemed very interested in that: the Hare Club.

Brooke listened to her lungs with her stethoscope. And then to her stomach. She said “it was time for Kathy’s lunch”. Lunch was eaten. Another nap was taken. And a snack was partaken. Because it was snowy and rainy out we didn’t leave the house. Tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny but cold. Maybe we’ll get out for a bit.


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