LIFE: I am the curator of the Lehndorff family’s photographs. I’ve been scanning and trying to organize them. We were a pretty musical bunch, the Lehndorffs. Dad came over from Austria in 1938 with his cello. We had a string quartet that used to meet at our house in Fitchburg, MA. My dad loved it although he was the first… Read more →
Author: Peter Lehndorff
This isn’t my first blog. Kathy and I started one that was supposed to be a mixture of serious stuff plugging my graphic design and greeting card business; life in a small town; my folk music interests; and reports about our basset hound, Marty. But I get cold feet about mixing business with sarcasm and parody. The business blog has some humor… Read more →
A bit of an intro
LIFE: Hello. I’m trying to figure out what I should say here. Since I am a songwriter, there will be songs and stuff about music in some of these ruminations. I may include feeds from other things that I like and think deserve to be read. But since I am the main caregiver for my wife Kathy, there will be… Read more →
I’m Paranoid
MUSIC: I wrote this song years before I realized that my fears of failure and success; of making decisions; or of meeting people were really anxiety. Before therapy this was my way of dealing with it. Paranoid is from my CD, Love on the Line. You can download a more polished version from my bandcamp site or from other outlets… Read more →
Christmas @ YOUR house
Originally posted on March, 2011 MUSIC: I like Christmas as much as most people. I think. And I think the goal of keeping Christmas in our hearts the whole year round, is a nice touchy-feely goal. But do we have to keep Christmas ON our houses the whole year round? I know the winter was rough. Here in Western Massachusetts we were hammered… Read more →
I Think I’ve Got It
Originally posted on March 12, 2011 MUSIC: In my day job a do a lot of graphic work for health care providers, like doctors and hospitals. I do ads and brochures and logos. But I am also really interested in health, wellness, and medicine. And health reform. My dad was a doctor and my mom was a nurse, so… Read more →
Favorite Things
Originally posted at MARCH 1, 2011 10:11PM LIFE: I really planned to do this as a little music video, playing guitar. I started working on an arrangement but it would have taken forever for me to post it. So try to imagine the Von Trapp kids singing this behind an old guy: My Favorite Things: I like my house. It’s older… Read more →