Author: Peter Lehndorff

Snow is a four letter word.

CAREGIVING:  Friday. I decided that, with the first snowstorm of the winter on its way, we would go shopping on Friday and not our usual Sunday routine. I’m also realizing that taking Kathy out is getting more and more difficult. And with her coughing we need to be careful. Friday it was cold but it was sunny out, so we… Read more →

Dust My Room

CAREGIVING: Thursday Dilcia came back today after a two-week absence. She comes on Thursdays, so she was off on Thanksgiving. Then she was sick last week after and they frown upon sending sneezing workers into the homes of vulnerable seniors held together with duct tape. So the house needed her cleaning attention. I try to keep up with it and Melissa usually… Read more →

East Longmeadow

MUSIC: This song has a little bit of history to it. I actually wrote it when I lived in Colorado in the 80s and it was called Aurora. I was poking fun at suburbia and Denver in that version. It is almost hard to admit that I was making fun of the place after what they went through with the… Read more →

If it’s Tuesday…

CAREGIVING: That was the title of a movie about travelling. Schedules and routines can either be your friend or your enemy, I guess. My google calendar has a lot of repeat events on there. They are labeled in green for healthcare. It is the only way I can keep track of crap. Sometimes it isn’t so much that there is… Read more →

Everything Takes Longer

MUSIC: This song is my personal addendum to Murphy’s Law. “Everything Takes Longer. Everything Costs More” is part of Lehndorff’s Law and the reason my design business is such a huge success. Oh, wait… But this song seems to be my mantra of the day. Love on the Line by Peter Lehndorff   Peter Lehndorff: guitar, vocals Jeff Pevar: electric… Read more →

Physical Therapy

CAREGIVING: Monday was a good day in the scheme of things. Hardly any coughing. And Kathy was fairly mobile = less heavy lifting for me. I had been a little low on Sunday. I guess I was overwhelmed by everything I had to do. Kathy had had a minor accident (but a shower took care of that). I didn’t feel… Read more →